Category: Books

  • Is Scottish Independence in Irish interests?

    The Green Ribbon gets visits from Irish, English and Scottish nationalists, so I thought it might be worth highlighting a passage from Ronnan Fanning’s contribution to Renovation or Revolution? which might be of interest to all three groups. On the one hand, the course of Irish history dictates that no Irish Government can publicly oppose…

  • FT reviews books on Sinn Fein

    The FT today has a useful round-up of the recent literature on Sinn Fein. I can recommend the Murray and Tonge book, which I reviewed for the Irish World:

  • Book review: Renovation or Revolution

    I have managed to get a copy of the book Renovation or Revolution, mentioned by Roy Garland in his Irish News column recently, which deals with devolution, the peace process and British Irish relations. Here are my thoughts on it.

  • Book blogger tagged

    Stuart from Independence has seen fit to inflict the following meme on me, so here goes: How many books do i own? Between about 400 and 500

  • A Deeper Silence reviewed

    I promised some time ago to post a review of ATQ Stewart’s book A Deeper Silence: The Hidden Origins of the United Irishmen. The book certainly lives up to its promise in tracing the influence of English and Scottish radicalism on the United Irishmen.

  • A Deeper Silence

    Blogging here has been fairly light over the weekend because of all the early St Patrick’s Day events. I was at the London Irish Book Fair in Hammersmith Irish Centre on Saturday, where I managed to get hold of ATQ Stewart’s A Deeper Silence, courtesy of the Connolly Association’s Four Provinces Bookshop.

  • London St Patrick’s Day events

    With St Patrick’s Day falling on a weekday this year, there are a lot of events in London this coming weekend. The Irish Book Fair has a very full programme at Hammersmith Irish Centre on Saturday. (full details at The main event, however, is the festival in Trafalgar Square, Leicester Square and Covent Garden…

  • Review: Choosing the Green? Second Generation Irish and the Cause of Ireland

    By Brian Dooley As recently as the 1970s, it was argued that the Irish in Britain were unique, because of the fact that their children assimilated totally into the British population within a generation. If nothing else this book is a spectacular refutation of that assumption. Choosing the Green looks at the second generation Irish…

  • Review: Preventing the Future – Why Ireland was so poor for so long

    Preventing the Future: Why Ireland was so poor for so long By Tom Garvin This new study by UCD politics professor Tom Garvin addresses a question that will surely be of interest to many Irish people in Britain. After all, the continuation of mass emigration was one of the most obvious signs of Ireland’s failure…

  • Review: The Men who built Britain – A History of the Irish Navvy

    Originally published in 2001, this definitive history of the Irish labourer in Britain is now out in paperback. Author Ultan Cowley, who himself ‘took the boat’ at the age of 15, and lived in Britain for many years, spent two years researching the book in Manchester, supporting himself by performing a revue called ‘A Tribute…