‘British values’ for England only

Classic line in this BBC report today:

The government is to review whether "core British values" should become a compulsory part of the curriculum for 11 to 16-year-olds in England. (BBC News)

I guess Britishness is a devolved issue. The fact that this proposal is only being mooted in England will strengthen the case of those of us who believe a lot of this is about finessing New Labour’s vulnerability on the West Lothian Question.

By a glorious coincidence that scale of that vulnerability was highlighted only yesterday, with the publication of an ICM poll showing the majority of people in the UK  now think it would be wrong for a Scot to become Prime Minister.

Check out politicalbetting.com and UK Polling Report for more details.



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2 responses to “‘British values’ for England only”

  1. The England Project avatar

    Britain is not England

    The BBC are running with the England only version for plans to educate our school children in British values:
    The government is to review whether core British values should become a compulsory part of the curriculum for 11 to 16-year-olds…

  2. Lobster Blogster avatar

    Just checked on the No 10 website that the current incumbent was born in Edinburgh. If he’s not Scottish by birth, he must be English by accent.

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