Category: Freedom of Information

  • Still time to sign Freedom of Information petitions

    Martin Stabe reminds us that there’s only a short time left to sign the two petitions against the Government’s changes to the Freedom of Information Act, Press Gazette’s email petition and the one on the Downing Street website. As Martin notes, the Downing Street petition site has come in for some flak lately, as a…

  • Press Gazette launches campaign to defend Freedom of Information Act

    The Press Gazette has launched a petition against the Government’s plans to gut the Freedom of Information Act. Details of how to sign up by email are on the website, along with an opinion piece by Maurice Frankel of the Campaign for Freedom of Information, explaining the problems with the Government’s proposals. There’s also still…

  • Consultation on Freedom of Information restrictions

    The Department for Constitutional Affairs has launched a consultation on its proposed restrictions to Freedom of Information Act.

  • Blair promises consultation on Freedom of Information restrictions

    The Campaign for Freedom of Information issued a formal response to the Government’s proposed new restrictions on the FOI act on Monday. In a letter to ministers published today, Maurice Frankel, director of the Campaign for Freedom of Information, said: “We are particularly alarmed at the speed with which the proposals appear to be moving…

  • Downing Street petition: Freedom of Information

    Following the Witanagemot Club’s example yesterday, I have submitted an online petition to the Downing Street website: We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to Reject the restrictions on the Freedom of Information Act proposed by the Department of Constitutional Affairs. The proposed changes will restrict the number of requests individuals and organisations can make,…

  • MOD denies De Menezes Freedom of Information request

    I mentioned last month that I had sent a Freedom of Information Request to the MOD about the Army’s role in the Jean Charles De Menezes case. The MOD has now replied refusing to answer any of the questions I asked. One of the exemptions relied on by the MOD, 44(2) looks as if it…