End Impunity meeting at London City Hall tonight

From the Pat Finucane Centre:

A public meeting is to be held at City Hall in London on Monday September 5 to coincide with the anniversary of the murder of Belfast teenager Peter Mc Bride. A spokesperson for the Pat Finucane Centre, organisers of the meeting along with the Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, explained the background.

"We are pressing for a change in the law which presently allows the convicted murderers of Peter Mc Bride to remain serving soldiers. We are making common cause with others who feel that the British Army is above the law. We welcome the fact that Phil Shiner of Public Interest Lawyers will also be speaking." Mr Shiner is representing a number of Iraqi families whose loved ones have either been killed or abused by members of the British armed forces in southern Iraq.

The Deepcut And Beyond Families Group, campaigning for an independant inquiry into suspicious deaths at army barracks, are supporting this initiative to end impunity.

Speaking today Jean Mc Bride said, 
"I warmly welcome all those who believe that there must be an end to impunity in the British army to come along on Monday night. Soldiers who kill, who rape or who bully must face the full rigour of the law like anyone else. Many different people are fed up with the lies and cover-up and the culture of impunity that exists at the Ministry of Defence."                                                                           
                                          Public Meeting
outlaw human rights abusers in the british army


The Chamber, City Hall, London Monday, September 5  7pm


Ken Livingstone – Mayor of London
Michael Mansfield QC
Angela Hegarty – University of Ulster Law Lecturer
Phil Shiner – Public Interest Lawyers



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