McBride family criticise Spicer website comments

The mother of a north Belfast teenager shot dead by Scots Guards 16 years ago has hit out after one of Iraq’s biggest defence contractors claimed the troops were "wrongly convicted" of murder.   

  Aegis Specialist Risk Management – run by the soldiers’ former CO, Tim Spicer – posted the claim on its website earlier this month.

  The former colonel was the commander of the Scots Guards in 1992 when two of his soldiers shot 18-year-old Peter McBride. (Belfast Telegraph)

Spicer’s comment are no longer on the Aegis website, but they are still accessible via the Internet Archive Wayback Machine. As well as his comments on the Peter McBride case, the July version of the Tim Spicer webpage includes Spicer’s view of his involvement with Sandline, the Arms to Africa Affair, and events in Papua New Guinea and Equatorial Guinea.



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