An opinion poll last month suggested support for Scottish independence is broader than support for the SNP.
There are tentative signs this is being reflected by the other major parties. The Scotsman has this today on the Lib Dems:
THE prospect of the first SNP-Lib Dem coalition to run Scotland could become a reality if, as expected, Nicol Stephen becomes the new Scottish Liberal Democrat leader, it emerged yesterday.
Mr Stephen announced a major shift in policy when he launched his bid to replace Jim Wallace as the party leader and deputy first minister, stating that he would not rule out a coalition with any other party after the 2007 elections.
The other significant pointer is The Scotsman story mentioned here yesterday, about proposals to drop the word unionist from official tite of the Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party.
Interestingly, two letters to The Scotsman today both back the idea, one of them from a former Conservative Member of the Scottish Parliament.
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