Battle for fourth place

SNP leader Alex Salmond visited Wales yesterday to support the Plaid Cymru campaign in Ynys Mon.

The five SNP and four Plaid Cymru MPs between them formed the fourth largest group in the last parliament.

That status could well be threatened by Ian Paisley’s DUP, which has a fighting chance in each of the eleven unionist-held seats in Northern Ireland.

From PA:

“I believe that no Ulster Unionist seat is safe in this election,” Mr Paisley said. “I am not saying that because I want to believe it but because that is the report that I am getting. I know that the Northern Ireland Office has a special poll. They will not tell you what it is but I know what it is and it is even better than the Belfast Telegraph (opinion) poll. That‘s what‘s frightening them and if that is so, then it could be a totally and utterly clean sweep.”

This NIO poll was covered a few days ago by Suzanne Breen of the Sunday Tribune, who certainly seems to have good sources in the DUP.



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