Blocking the back-channels

Spinwatch has published the second part of my series on Dean Godson today:

The claim that Sinn Fein’s Martin McGuinness was an MI6 agent must rank
as one of the more intriguing intelligence stories of recent years, but
a careful examination of the episode may reveal more about
disinformation techniques than infiltration of the IRA.

The accusation was originally made in May 2006 by an ex-soldier known by the pseudonym Martin Ingram. A former member of the British Army’s Force Research Unit, Ingram had established some credibility because of his role in identifying Freddie Scappaticci as Stakeknife – a key informer within the IRA. 

little-noticed aspect of the story was the apparent corroboration
provided by Dean Godson, who is best known in Ireland for a
well-regarded biography of David Trimble and for his scepticism about power-sharing with republicans. (Full article at Spinwatch)

Part one is available here.






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