Iain Dale on Radio Slugger

Slugger carries an interesting audio interview today with top Tory blogger Iain Dale on the West Lothian Question, in which Mick Fealty draws out some of the issue’s implications for Northern Ireland.

Dale is perhaps best known for his pursuit of John Prescott, but he is also a strong supporter of an English Parliament.



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3 responses to “Iain Dale on Radio Slugger”

  1. Cybez avatar

    Up till now, not one of the Sluggerites have commented on this?

  2. Tom Griffin avatar

    Yeah, but there’s quite a big debate on this related thread:

  3. Cybez avatar

    I probably skipped that post & comments as the title “What care Unionists for the Union?” would be the usual Prods versus the Taigs sort of thing. I have to be in the mood to read and respond to those types of posts. 🙂

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