Iraq contractor intelligence briefings

In my recent piece on the Aegis security contract in Iraq, I mentioned that some of the company’s contractor briefings were accessible on the internet via Google.

That no longer appears to be the case, but the material that was available provided a unique insight into a contract that has since become the subject of renewed controversy. They also present an interesting picture of the situation in Iraq, although one that has to be treated with a great deal of caution. Accordingly, I have reproduced some of the relevant documents below the fold.

ROC National Weekly Summary

10 March 07

17 March 07

24 March 07

31 March 07

7 April 07

14 April 07

21 April 07

28 April 07

12 May 07

19 May 07

Special Intel Products

Chlorine Fact Sheet

Threat Assessment Chlorine Gas VBIEDs

Chlorine IED Annex A

ROC G2 Special Assessment Chlorine Supplemented IEDs

Religious Festivals in Iraq 2007-08

Six Month Outlook – from early 2007






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