Super Thursday election night

Today represents the biggest test of public opinion in Britain since the 2005 General Election.

All eyes will be on Scotland where the race between the SNP and Labour to be the largest party  is looking increasingly tight. has a helpful summary of the final polls of the campaign. The two lastest polls tell very different stories

Constituency vote

            Labour    SNP    Lib Dems    Tories

Yougov 31%        37%    14%           13%   

ICM      32%        34%    16%           13%

Constituency vote

            Labour    SNP    Lib Dems    Tories

Yougov  27%       32%    10%            13%   

ICM       29%       30%    16%            13%

in the comments over at, Stuart Dickson points us to some helpful data on declaration times. The first council declarations are expected around midnight. Declarations from the Scottish Parliament and Welsh Assembly elections are expected to begin around 1am.

Key figures to remember:

65 – Number of MSPs needed to provide an overall majority in the Scottish Parliament. Neither Labour or the SNP are likely to reach this on their own, but the results will dictate likely coalition options.

31 – Numbers of Assembly Members needed for an overall majority in the Welsh Assembly. In the last Assembly labour ran a minority government with 29 votes. If it loses more seats, it may be forced to return to coalition with the Liberal Democrats. It’s also conceivable that there could be a rainbow coalition of Plaid Cymru, the Lib Dems and the Tories, who between them also had 29 votes in the last Assembly.




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5 responses to “Super Thursday election night”

  1. Toque avatar

    It’s times like this that I wish I still lived in Scotland – Come on SNP!

  2. Tony avatar

    It is amazing people who have voted labour all their lives are now not. Many going to the SNP, although I reckon the Greens are going to do well.
    This is an excellent website!

  3. Tom Griffin avatar

    The ICM poll looks ominous, given that a lot of people were predicting a late Labour pullback.
    From today’s Scotsman:
    Last night, Labour strategists were unapologetic over the tone of their attack on the SNP. One told The Scotsman: “In this campaign, after ten years in government, it is fear, not hope, that will win.”
    Let’s hope he’s wrong. We’ll know soon enough. I’m off to get the beers in. It’s going to be an interesting night.

  4. John Kirriemuir avatar

    Hello from Berneray (population 128) in the Outer Hebrides.
    Have voted, and blogged, and taken pictures. Here we’ve had a fine day for it all:
    Hope the weather is as good for you there.

  5. Anony avatar

    This is an excellent website!
    I second that, Tony 😉
    Your blogs are excellent!

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