Westminster General Election 2005

John Prescott aside, it looks as if we’re now less than two weeks away from the announcement of a general election.

With that in mind, I thought I’d post some links here to some good sites to follow the campaign.  I might put them in a sidebar later on.

Politicalbetting.com – Election news,comment and links from what might be the most objective, if not the most disinterested, angle.

UK Polling Report – Comprehensive listing of latest polls with commentary.

Electoral Calculus – Mathemetician Martin Baxter predicts full results on the basis of the latest polls.

vote-2005 – Forum with threads for every constituency represented in the Commons.

I’d welcome any additional suggestions in the comments, especially for the four-way contests in Scotland and Wales.

There are some excellent sites covering Northern Ireland:

Nuzhound – Comprehensive daily listing of political news links

Slugger O’Toole – Must-read blog and forum site.

Northern Ireland Elections – Well-presented, definitive reference site on the subject. Usually runs a prediction competition where I get caught out by persistently under-estimating the growth of Sinn Fein and the DUP.

Update 5 April

BBC Election 2005

Guardian Election 2005

British General Election 2005 – Handy list of election links which includes the following among others:

Scottish Politics

The Wales Yearbook 2005 Election Guide







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